Meetings of the MRRPC are held the second Wednesday of every even numbered month usually in the La Crosse area because of its central location. Meetings typically run 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon with lunch to follow.
2024 Meetings
- August 14th Meeting
- June 12th Meeting
- April 10th Meeting
- February 14th Meeting
2023 Meetings
- December 13th Meeting
- October 11th Meeting
- August 9th Meeting
- June 14th Meeting
- April 12th Meeting
- February 8th Meeting
2022 Meetings
- December 14th Meeting
- October 12th Meeting
- August 10th Meeting
- June 8th Meeting
- April 13th Meeting
- February 9th Meeting
2021 Meetings
- December 8th Meeting
- October 13th Meeting
- August 11th Meeting
- June 9th Meeting
- April 14th Meeting
- February 10th Meeting
2020 Meetings
- December 9th Meeting
- October 14th Meeting
- August 12th Meeting
- June 10th Meeting
- February 12th Meeting
2019 Meetings
- December 11th Meeting
- October 9th Meeting
- August 14th Meeting
- June 12th Meeting
- April 10th Meeting
- February 13th Meeting