Four County Daily Commuter Bus Service
(Serving Crawford, La Crosse, Vernon, and Monroe Counties)
The commuter bus service is a fixed route public transportation system serving Crawford County, southern La Crosse County, middle/western Vernon County, and middle/western Monroe County. The main purpose of the service is to provide daily transportation for workers, elderly and disabled residents (medical, social and personal travel), and the general public.
The concept of a multi-county commuter bus service was initiated by the City of Prairie du Chien and the Crawford County Transportation Coordinating Committee. As the concept evolved collaboration between the Crawford, Vernon and La Crosse County Transportation Coordinating Committees and the Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission made the project a reality. Through this multi-county/agency coordinated effort with funding and technical assistance from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation the daily commuter bus began operating December 3, 2012 (see press release).
The goal of the project is to provide an affordable, efficient, and flexible fixed route daily public transportation system (commuter bus) to residents of the region. The service will benefit employees, employers, elderly and disabled residents, technical college and university students, and the general public.
Route information and bus schedules can be found at