The Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission (MRRPC) Multimodal Freight Strategy is designed to support
the analysis and development of a freight system strategy for the nine-county MRRPC region in Western Wisconsin.
The region borders Minnesota and is at the confluence of major freight infrastructure in the Upper Midwest while
also being within a day or less drive of all the most populated places in the Great Lakes Megaregion, including
Minneapolis-St Paul, Chicago, Milwaukee, St Louis, and Indianapolis. The Region is also along major highway and
railroad corridors linking East and West markets in the US; as well as the Mississippi River, linking the Midwest to
Gulf Coast barge destinations. The purpose of this strategy is to transcend traditional planning boundaries and
provide a strategy for rural areas represented by the MRRPC – including portions of two separate WisDOT districts
(Southwest and Northwest) and three separate WEDC Regions (1, 9, and 10).
Project Approach:
Develop background information on demographics, economics, and transportation
Characterize the importance of freight movement in the region
Conduct outreach to business and system users
Provide an analysis and summary of goods movement
Create growth projections for major freight commodities
Identify community and environmental impacts of freight transportation
Create opportunities and strategies based on data findings
Create content to be used for comprehensive planning
Opportunities to Contribute:
The project team has produced an interactive wikimap and brief survey for anyone involved in goods movement for the region: