Monroe County Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey Monroe County is updating their Outdoor Recreation Plan. Please answer the questions in the survey to guide the planning process. Thank you for your participation. Step 1 of 4 25% How often do you use County Parks or outdoor facilities? Never Not Often (Less than 6 times per year) Sometimes (6-11 times per year) Often (1-2 times per month) Very Often (1 or more times per week) What are your top three outdoor recreation activities you participate in in Monroe County? ATV/UTV Riding Biking Boating Camping (primitive) Camping (RV) Canoeing/Kayaking Climbing Cross Country Skiing Fishing Foraging Hiking/Walking Horseback Riding Hunting Picnicking Playground Activities Running Scenic Driving Sports Activities (i.e. Baseball, Tennis) Snowshoeing Snowmobiling Swimming Wildlife Viewing Other OtherWho most often participates with you in outdoor recreation activities? Family Friends Organized Groups Alone Do you think improving outdoor recreational opportunities ( i.e. biking trails and routes, canoe/kayak trails, ATV/UTV routes, more public outdoor spaces, etc.) are important to improve the quality of life for County residents and tourists? Not Important Neutral Important Very Important How important do you feel improving outdoor recreation opportunities are to the future and economy of the County? Not Important Neutral Important Very Important If you feel you spend too little time participating in outdoor activities, what keeps you from spending more time? I’m too busy with other activities Lack of transportation – I can’t get to the activities I don’t have the right equipment for the activities I want to do The activities I want to do are too expensive There are not enough organized trips The outdoor places I like to go to are not safe I don’t have anyone to do these activities with I don't like these activities I'm not familiar with (or aware of) outdoor recreation opportunities in Monroe County Other Other Please tell us how satisfied you are with....Please tell us how satisfied you are with....Not SatisfiedSomewhat Not SatisfiedNeutralSomewhat SatisfiedSatisfiedThe number of outdoor parks/facilities available in Monroe CountyThe quality of outdoor parks/facilities availableThe maintenance of outdoor parks/facilities availableComments on number of, quality of, or maintenance of outdoor parks/facilities available. Include your priorities for future county/outdoor facility improvements.Include your priorities for future County/outdoor facility improvements.LowMediumHighMultipurpose TrailsSupport Facilities (bathroom, picnic shelters, snack bars, etc.)Playgrounds for Small ChildrenSports Facilities ( i.e. Baseball/Soccer Fields)Public Swimming Areas (beaches, outdoor pool)Wayfinding SignageCanoe/Kayak LaunchesWildlife Viewing AreasEnvironmental Education / Outdoor ClassroomsHandicapped AccessibilityPublic Fishing AreasBoat LaunchesPrimitive CampingImproved Camping (RV, tent)Public Hunting AreasMapping (interactive online and paper)Acquire Undeveloped AreasWatershed PlanningPlease comment on any additional high priority items not listed above. We want your ideas!If you could create the ideal outdoor recreation experience in Monroe County, what would it be? DREAM BIG! We want your best project ideas.Which best describes the age group to which you belong? 18-29 30-45 46-65 65 or older Which best describes the number of years you have resided in Monroe County? 0-1 years 1-5 years 5-10 years 10+ years What is your total household income? Less than $25,000 $25,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $74,999 $75,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $149,999 $150,000 or more Prefer not to say What is your gender? Male Female Prefer Not to Answer What is your marital status? Married Married with Children Single In which Monroe County municipality do you live in? T. Adrian T. Angelo T. Byron T. Clifton T. Glendale T. Grant T. Greenfield T. Jefferson T. Lafayette T. La Grange T. Leon T. Lincoln T. Little Falls T. New Lyme T. Oakdale T. Portland T. Ridgeville T. Scott T. Sheldon T. Sparta T. Tomah T. Wellington T. Wells T. Wilton V. Cashton V. Kendall V. Melvina V. Norwalk V. Oakdale V. Ontario V. Rockland V. Warrens V. Wilton V. Wyeville C. Sparta C. Tomah Outside Monroe County *For municipal officials* What projects or improvements in outdoor recreation are you hoping to see in your community in the next 5 years?CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.