The Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission provides administrative and technical assistance to several community, county, or multi-county revolving loan funds (RLF). The following is a list of revolving loan funds that we administer.

Business Capital Fund

The Business Capital Fund is a revolving loan fund (RLF) designed to address a gap in private capital markets for long term-fixed rate, low down payment, low interest financing. The fund is targeted to manufacturers, tourism and selected service industries which create jobs and are located in Buffalo, Jackson, Pepin, Pierce and Trempealeau Counties.
For further information
Call 608.785.9396 or Email
Download a Business Capital Fund brochure
La Crosse County Revolving Loan Fund
The La Crosse County Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) was formed to provide affordable financing to new business start-ups and business expansions that create jobs and contribute to economic growth in La Crosse County.
For further information
Call 608.785.9396 or Email

CMV Growth Development Fund

The CMV Growth Development Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) is designed to foster growth in economic base activities that are the dominant force in affecting economic growth or decline in the Tri-county area of Crawford, Monroe and Vernon counties. The fund is targeted toward manufacturers, tourism and selected service industries that create jobs.
For further information
Call 608.785.9396 or Email
Download a CMV Growth Development Fund brochure.
Additional Resources
Visit the State of Wisconsin-Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) website for other financial assistance programs available to help businesses and communities undertake economic development!